Wednesday 20 February 2013


This morning:

Emptied and loaded the dishwasher
Did the dishes
Swept the floor
Culled the toy room
Flipped through a cook book for wheat free dinner ideas.

Built a train track
Painted a picture
Played 30 games of Perfection and one of Bedbugs

Made lunch
Cleaned up after lunch

There is a load of laundry waiting to be folded, and one wet in the washer (cringe.)  I culled out everything that didn't belong in the toy room this morning, but it's still sitting in a pile on the living room floor.  Bathroom needs cleaning today.  At least 6 more hours of accounting to catch up for January.

But right now I'm sitting down to write, and then do some scripture study and have a little quiet prayer time.

Because life is about balance.  There is always more work that could be done.  A stay at home mother's work never ends.  The list is never checked off.  But I think that just as those who work out of the home can fall into the "workaholic" trap, so too can mothers at home.  And while I can't speak for everyone, I know that that would be unhealthy for me.  I need balance.  Taking time to do things that aren't pressing isn't slacking off, it's keeping my mind healthy and happy and sharp and ready to jump back into work.  If I do nothing but work, I'm actually less productive, because my attitude slides, my body becomes sluggish, and it takes forever to do things.

I think the days that go best for me are ones when I've taken time to keep things in balance.  Today is a good day.

And so, when I choose to read a chapter from my book,

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