Wednesday 21 March 2012

If I have a girl...

(NO - we don't know what we are having!)

I was wondering today what I would be like with a little baby girl. I was a tomyboy as a kid. I never wore pink. I hated bows in my hair. But as I see so many little baby girls around with big flowers and bows and headbands, hair pulled up into pigtails, flowing in frills of pink, would I, too, succumb to the adorability of it all?

A couple weeks back I was putting away some of Benjamin's clothes he's outgrown and wondering about each piece: could a little girl wear this? Is there a big difference between girl jeans and boy jeans for toddlers? Will people think my daughter is a boy if she's wearing a truck shirt? Will it bother me if they do?

I do love the combination of green and white with pink. There is something so fresh about it, and less "girly" than the traditional shades of pink and white alone. If I have a girl, I'd love to make a quilt for her crib out of those colours, just to enjoy them for a little bit after six years of blue.

The anticipation of not knowing is eating away at me! But in less than three months our new little baby will be here and then we'll know.


Mom said...

I hate to burst your bubble, but you DID wear pink when you were a little girl because that was the colour I bought for you (or Aunt Beth bought for Janice and was passed down to you). I do remember you asking me later on when you were older and looking at photos of yourself when you were a little girl how I could have dressed you in pink. :-) Of course, at that time, pink was the main colour of clothing for girls - and I did like it, although, in my defense, I did also buy purple clothing. :-) Girls clothing is so cute compared to boys, so it will be fun shopping for little girl's clothes if you have a girl. As for your question about blue jeans, I think that jeans are jeans when children are little. And people could very well think that your daughter is a boy if she is wearing a truck shirt and the way to take care of that is to put a cute hairband on her (pink, of course!) :-)

Wendy said...

My sister had three boys and then a girl and her little girl... well let's just say her cute little red head has a closet to rival anyone! It is fun to dress little girls!

(And I won't complain about my sister's addiction to shopping for her little girl as we enjoyed the hand-me-downs!)

Jenn said...

If you don't have a girl you'll have to do what I did - make that dream quilt anyway, just make it for YOU!

Jennifer said...

You will LOVE buying cute girly things! I know I love it! I was a tomboy as you know and HATED pink growing up. All I wanted was to have sons when I grew up, but now that I have Sienna I LOVE having a girl and I LOVE that she is so girly! You will too - I'm sure of it :) Please give Sienna a playmate! lol P.S. Don't forget that I have a ton of girly clothes and hair accessories that you can use! :)

RealExams said...

You will love buying cute girly things! I know I love it!thanks for sharing.