Friday 10 September 2010

Just Caleb and Mom

The wonderful by-product of Colin in school every day has been some wonderful moments with Caleb. I've managed to get Benjamin to sleep for some morning naps, leaving a good hour and a half for Caleb and I to spend time together.

I have a loose idea of some "homeschooling" time, although it is hardly structured nor scheduled. I have a curriculum that teaches letters, their sounds, and includes small service projects. I hope to get to the library once a week with him, to nurse a love and awe of the amount of books out there. We have hundreds of books in our own home library (mostly due to my mother, a retired teacher!), so we have no need to venture out for variety. But Caleb does not have the same innate love of books that Colin does, and so I hope the adventure out might foster something more within him. I also plan on going for a walk every day with him, after Benjamin wakes up and before lunch. The days so easily slip away from me, caught up in dishes and tidying and cleaning and playing. While I agree that free play is important, I want to use this opportunity of one-on-one time to teach Caleb some important early childhood lessons.

I want to teach him to love books and reading. I want him to see how much can be learned from books. I want him to hear wonderful stories and beautiful language. I want to inspire his imagination with illustrations.

I want to teach him to serve others. I want him to think outside of his own little world. I want him to see me reaching out to others, building our little community.

I want to teach him to wonder at the world. I want him to open his eyes and see the magnificence around us. I want him to ask a thousand questions, and I hope my answers will only inspire a thousand more. I want to him gaze around him and see how things work.

I want to teach him a love of music. I want that love to grow from the inside and permeate his life.

There is so much to teach, and I am grateful for this time I have to spend with him.

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