Wednesday 16 December 2009

A time apart

My parents, who arrived back in Canada last Thursday, have graciously taken Caleb up for a visit at my grandmother's, in Bobcaygeon. They left Sunday night and will return again this Sunday. This is the longest stretch I've gone without my little boy. The trip came about after both my mom and Nana noted how worn out I was looking at our family Christmas on Saturday. And it's true. I hadn't had a day in a while where I found myself rejuvenated enough to get me through two or three rougher days. And knowing that sometime in the next two weeks I am going to be facing labour, I knew I had to somehow get some strength back. Colin is in school three full days this week, and so having my mom take Caleb is giving me exactly what I need - a good solid week to store up some strength and energy for what lies ahead.

I miss my little guy, though. He calls each day to tell me what he's up to. My mom says he's been good as gold, although he does ask several times a day about me. He is even more attached to me than I am to him, and I wondered how he would do apart from me. But my parents, my Nana and her husband are all wonderful with him; what toddler wouldn't bask in the complete focused attention of four adults, with no other children or chores getting in the way?

Already I'm feeling much better. I've been able to sleep in until 7am, take uninteruppted naps, and spend most of my days lying about, reading. James has also been gone during the days, which has left me with some much needed quiet, alone time. I know that within weeks this will not be possible again for a while, and so I am relishing this week of solitude before I embark once again on the craziness of life with a newborn.

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