Thursday 26 November 2009


Today I am especially grateful for friends. Over the past few days I have had friends really step in to help me out. I've never been partial to large group gatherings, preferring to socialize in smaller settings. I've always had people I like to hang out with, but until this "crisis" hit, I didn't realize just how many friends in how many circles I have. I am so grateful for all the help they have stepped in to offer, from watching the boys to making dinners to organizing frozen meals for when the baby comes - it's been amazing. And this isn't just a group of people trying to do something nice; these is a group of friends who are in tune with my situation and needs, and have truly discerned my needs and took the initiative to fulfill them. I've only lived in Orangeville for two years, and yet I feel more at home here than anywhere I have before. For the first time I feel as though my community is my family.

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