Thursday 3 September 2009


Ah, the blog has been calling, but the distant echo has not been enough to draw me to write. The last week has brought on major pregnancy nausea again, plus exhaustion from trying to get some last minute home repairs done with my dad. I also bought a new van, and my parents are bunking with us while they wait for their cruise/emigration date at the end of the month. Add to that missing my naps and worsening insomnia - I guess it's no wonder that my creativity has run dry.

I hope to write about some of these changes (like the hard bargain I drove while negotiating for the van, and my parent's move to Australia, not to mention Colin starting school next week!), but I think it will have to wait a few more days...

All that being said, change is always good in my books. I have never feared when life has moved in a different direction, welcoming a new freshness to daily routine. So despite the tiredness at least I don't feel any stress in this all. In fact, I think the last few weeks, and the next couple, will buoy me up.

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