Tuesday 10 June 2008

The things we do to get by

With both of my boys demanding so much of my attention, I find it difficult to get things done around the house. Usually I find myself doing a mad blitz at 9pm, after they've gone to bed, trying to get in some laundry, sweeping, dishes. These more intensive chores need more of my attention than the boys allow during the day, and so must wait for brief moments of repose.

What takes up most of my time is tidying. Just the general picking up of toys, clothes, food, papers, books and the hundreds of other things that find temporary homes lying around the house, not in their place. It's having things untidy that drives me nuts. More than a lapse in vacuuming or even a pile up of dishes.

And so I have found a way to tidy up while playing with Colin - and he doesn't even realize it. One of Colin's favourite pastimes is to "chase" him around the house. Our main floor is open concept and makes a lovely figure eight shape track to run through. So as Caleb sits on the floor, eyes tracking his brother, I chase Colin through the four different rooms. Each time I go through a room, I pick up one thing to tidy.

Round 1: pick up dirty diaper in living room, deposit it in kitchen garbage.
Round 2: pick up crumpled blanket in living room, fold while running through the house, toss onto couch on return to living room.
Round 3-8: clear table of breakfast dishes two at a time, depositing in sink.
Round 9: Open blinds in living room, return books to play room shelf.

It's a great system. In about 5 minutes I have entertained Caleb, exercised with Colin and tidied the house. But I bet anyone walking by would wonder "what is that crazy woman doing running around her house!" The things we do to get by!

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