Tuesday 3 June 2008

Lost? Ask Colin.

This past week Colin has been demonstrating his extraordinary spatial awareness. Being a one-car family, the boys and I are normally on foot wherever we want to go. That doesn't mean that we opt to stay home most of the time - quite the contrary. We get out nearly every day - Caleb strapped into a baby carrier or in his stroller, Colin walking alongisde me or in his wagon (yesterday I even pushed a stroller and pulled a wagon at the same time! It was Caleb's naptime, hence the stroller, and I had a few too many errands to run to rely on Colin's little legs holding out!).

This week I decided to let Colin take the lead and see where it led. I discovered that he knew the way to: the Early Years Centre, the library, Wal-Mart and the grocery store. He also could navigate his way home from any point in our neighbourhood. He took barely seconds at each intersection to discern which way our house was.

Now when I have someone watching the boys and they want to venture out for a bit, I can say "just ask Colin how to get there!" (and I have, in the past. I told my sister if she wanted to take the boys to the Early Years Centre, Colin would gladly lead the way!)

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